Email Lists wrote:
> -> [...]
> -> Looks to me that SpamAssassin is taking to long to process the 
> -> incoming emails, and as result, it is slowing down the server, and 
> -> finally causing the DoS.
> [...]
> The first thing to do is relieve some of the load. To do this we need better
> mail gate keeping.
> Find and run the proper and right greylisting function for your server. That
> will swat away some of the bursty sp*mmers.
> Then the next thing to do is implement a function we call validrcptto which,
> rejects emails to nonexistent email addresses at the smtp level.
> Those two things alone will help a lot.
> If you do not do those two things, start there.
> Increasing the amount of spamd child processes may not be the correct
> initial answer... that can eat up the RAM and put you into heavy swap.
> Ummmmm if you are in a position to, add a bunch more RAM to the server.
> Then later, when you are ready and if it will accept it, add a second proper
> mate of a processor and go DUAL.
> Don't forget to check all your logs, you will get other valuable hints to
> help deal with issues.
> Let us know how it turns out.

Thanks Robert,

I have requested more memory and an additional processor for the server,
hope they give me something...

I will be working with the Greylisting and validrcptto, and let you know
how it goes.

Thanks again,


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