At 04:07 PM 10/9/2006, you wrote:
What the <censored> are you running spamd from cron for? It is
usually started from your init sequence and runs as a daemon.

I changed that earlier. My mac seems to be ignoring the /Library/StartupItems.

"spamd -d -c -m3 -Hi --max-conn-per-child=15" is the usual sort
of incantation to start it off. Then it stays running forever.
Without the -d option it does not daemonize.

I'm now starting it with -d -x

OF COURSE NOT - you probably do not have spamd running at that time.
Or if it is it's not listening for you.

It's being run as root.

He might try "| /usr/bin/spamc -s 512000".

I use this:

:0 fw: spamassassin.lock
* < 500000
* !^List-Id: .*(spamassassin\.apache.\org)
| /usr/bin/spamc -t 150 -u jdow

I changed it back to /usr/bin/spamc -s 512000, we'll see what that does.

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