From: "Evan Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 04:07 PM 10/9/2006, you wrote:
What the <censored> are you running spamd from cron for? It is
usually started from your init sequence and runs as a daemon.

I changed that earlier. My mac seems to be ignoring the /Library/StartupItems.

"spamd -d -c -m3 -Hi --max-conn-per-child=15" is the usual sort
of incantation to start it off. Then it stays running forever.
Without the -d option it does not daemonize.

I'm now starting it with -d -x

I presume you are no longer running it out of cron. That will run
multiple copies which might muddy the water, or at least cause
interesting error messages. It might be that you need to call it
with /usr/bin/spamd -d -x

OF COURSE NOT - you probably do not have spamd running at that time.
Or if it is it's not listening for you.

It's being run as root.

He might try "| /usr/bin/spamc -s 512000".

I use this:

:0 fw: spamassassin.lock
* < 500000
* !^List-Id: .*(spamassassin\.apache.\org)
| /usr/bin/spamc -t 150 -u jdow

I changed it back to /usr/bin/spamc -s 512000, we'll see what that does.

Make sure spamd (and some children not multiple copies of spamd) is
showing in your list of running processes. You might kill the parent
processes until no spamd's are running. Then start exactly one spamd.
It will spawn children. The children are what spamc contacts. Make
sure there is no firewall rule that prevents spamc communicating
with spamd.

Make sure ONLY procmail is calling spamassassin and that this is done
exactly once.

You can test with a single test email message from your inbox. Copy it
to a file, headers and all. Then use "spamc <testfile> | less" to see
what happens. Given the way you are running it you may need to run
spamc as the user that procmail uses at the time it runs spamc.


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