Fabien GARZIANO wrote:
> Ok. I dun want to dive into a useless political debate... But personnally I 
> don't trust either bush team as it appears to me to be a new kind of 
> dictatorship. But the question is not 'should the US be trusted' but 'should 
> something like the internet be under the control of 1 country. My answer is 
> no.

What the hell does the "bush team" have to do with the Internet?  The US
government has mostly, to date, been hands off on any Internet policy.
While they still reserve the authority to intervene at any time.  Lets
not forget where the Internet started... by American innovation.  Giving
  control of Internet policy to an international body would be a waste
of time.  Just look at the record of the UN...  Yeah sure, lets give
control of the Internet to Russia, China and Korea... and you complain
about spam now???  LOL!

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
PGP: 0x66F90BFC @ http://pgp.mit.edu
Key fingerprint = 6296 F715 038B 44C1 2720  292A 8580 500E 66F9 0BFC

"If I had it all to do over again, I'd spell creat with an ""e"".  -

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