I have adopted the following policy, I run commercial free email. If it is unsolicited it gets blacklisted. If they want to run commercials through my email site, I will let them, provided they use a mailing list and the user can opt out. Random, unsolicited emails go in the blacklist. This method (too me) works the best. While spamassassin works very well also, it becomes much more inflated in terms of code, the more rules there are. I use spamassassin also, but for just standard unsolicited email, it goes to the bit bucket. I will sell them commercials on my site, I will be glad to set up a site wide mailing list and let my customers subscribe to the ones they want (for a monthly fee). I am not going to subsidize email commercials on bandwidth my customers and I pay for, nor do I want to let someone, such as a spammer, use my resources for free, if they want to use them, they will pay for them, through the sales of subscribe/unsubscribe
mailing lists.  So, if they wanna play, their gonna hafta pay.

I believe this is the only way to force spammers to comply with some kind of email policy.

Simon wrote:


I'm trying to figure out what to do to filter these spam messages. I can't seem 
find a ruleset which would filter them. Perhaps I need to change something in
my configuration? any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Here are the latest spam I'm receiving:


My config is pretty much default and I have few extra rulesets from 


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