Mark wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: John Rudd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: vrijdag 20 oktober 2006 0:18
To: Mark
Subject: Re: R: Scoring PTR's

I now see the cause of your confusion. "Make sure your PTR and A records match", in this context, means, exactly as the RFC
states, that "For every IP address, there should be a matching PTR
record in the domain." And "That all IP addresses
have a corresponding PTR record."
AND that the PTR record point back to a valid A record.
Further into the same paragraph it says:

Also, PTR records must point back to a valid A record,

Given that the point of this paragraph is "Make sure your PTR and A records match", I would comfortably assert that one necessary element to making this A record "valid" is that at least one such
A record from that hostname matches the IP address for that PTR record.

That does NOT mean that other A records cannot resolve to, and thus be
used for, the same IP address.

Show me where I said that was prohibited.

Then be sure you go and read all of the places I've said that is allowed.

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