From: "Chris Lear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Marc Perkel wrote (23/10/06 19:34):
I'm considering filing a lawsuit against Microsoft to try to get an order to make them make public security updates for Windows to everyone, registered or not.

The idea is that their product Windows creates a toxic byproduct (spam,ddos zombies) that interfere with everyone else's internet usage and that they have a responsibility to clean it up. It would be similar to a suit where a business that is otherwise legitimate attracts crime in a neighborhood or a manufacturer dumping toxic waste into a stream.

Virus infected spam zombie are a toxic byproduct of their business model and it affects all of us and they have a duty to the public to fix it. I'm somewhat of a legal expert, not a lawyer though. But just wanted to get some feedback on the idea.

Only in America...

It might have a better chance of working in Europe where hugely deep
pockets are not as effective a defense against lawsuits as in the US.
In the US not even the government has pockets deep enough to sue MS
over this issue.


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