On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 14:24:55 +1000, Christopher Martin

>Anyone have any suggested statistics suites I can use for reporting at 
>the MTA level and from within spamassassin? Would be great to be able to 
>present some metrics on total mail statistics and then compare what 
>portion of that is spam, and how many are being caught/quarantined every 
>day, etc.

I'm not sure if it's suitable for your purpose, but I have a series of
AWK scripts that trawl through the MTA logs and pull out all the stats
for SA, RBL, Vir etc. 

The scripts are specific to my server (MTSProfessional) but shouldn't
be too hard to tweak to fit other logging.


This is still work in progress but it should give you a rough idea.
The stats run nightly after the logs rotate. They are scp'd to one of
the nix boxen where AWK pulls the data and lodges it into MySQL. From
there it's just some php to pull it out again. I plan on adding some
more detailed graphing when I can get my head round the graphs (and
the time to study up) I'm new to php so this is a bit of an

Kind regards


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