Justin Mason wrote:
existing set: http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/VBounceRuleset


One thing I'm not sure about - that module produces two rules. How should I score the rules so that real bounces aren't rejected but the fake ones are?

I presume I do it this way round:

score BOUNCE_MESSAGE      10

I presume BOUNGE_MESSAGE is only true if the bounce is for a mail not sent by me? If so, I'm surprised the rule name isn't SPOOF_BOUNCE_MESSAGE or similar.

My mail server rejects messages with spam scores of 10 or above.


Nick Gilbert writes:

I've been trying to write some SA rules to reject bounce messages which I did not send.

I've made a good start, but some bounce messages still get through but I don't understand why.

The theory is that viruses and spammers don't seem to use my full e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] but change the username part of it and send from an address [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would like to reject all bounce messages which have arisen from mail sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] but NOT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This works for about 50% of mail, but I think one serious problem is that the line:

header  __NICK_BOUNCE_REAL      To =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i

...matches on the header:

X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which I'm pretty sure it shouldn't! Why does it think that header is the same as a normal To header? Surely it's not scanning for headers simply ending in "To"?

My rules are below for comment/improvement but please let me know if there's a better way to do this or an existing set of working rules somewhere.


# ---------- BOUNCE DETECTION (stolen from
# bogus_virus_warnings.cf)---------
# General rule to indicate bounce or otherwise - used for some other
# rules
header __BOUNCE_HEADER          X-Is-A-Bounce =~ /.+/

# This won't match for scanning done at SMTP time, at least with Exim
header __BOUNCE_RP1             Return-Path =~  /^<>$/

# NL says this is added by amavisd-new before passing to SA
header __BOUNCE_RP2             X-Return-Path =~ /^<>$/

# Mark Martinec says the above is incorrect, and it's X-Envelope-From
header __BOUNCE_RP3             X-Envelope-From =~ /^<>$/


# Thanks to AF
header __CT_DEL_STATUS Content-Type =~ /report-type=delivery-status/


header  __NICK_BOUNCE_REAL      To =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
header  __NICK_TO_NOT_ME        To =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i

describe NICK_SPOOF_BOUNCE "Attached bounce contains my address but I never sent this!"


Nick Gilbert, Software Developer
X-RM Limited, Winchester, UK
W: http://www.x-rm.com/
T: 01962 877237
F: 01962 842346

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