Matt Kettler wrote:
M. Lewis wrote:
I upgraded to SA 3.1.4 last night and now I have two issues that I'm
trying to resolve:

spamassassin -D --lint is giving me an error:
[2533] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_timeout 18
If you've not edited /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre to load the dcc
plugin, dcc is disabled by default (it's not free for everyone to use,
so disabled pending your decision that your use falls under DCC's
license.. most folks do, but check the license.

Without any DCC support loaded, the dcc_timeout option is meaningless to SA.

This was indeed the problem. Error gone now.

In the logs I'm seeing a good number of the following type of entry:
Oct 27 15:40:21 moe amavis[2548]: (02548-01-2) (!)SA TIMED OUT,
backtrace: at
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line
363\n\teval {...} called at

Sounds like your DNS is slow, and you've got a short  $sa_timeout in
your amavis configs. But I'm no amavis expert.

Actually I rebuilt this machine last night and forgot to turn on the cacheing NS. That made a difference!

Thanks Matt!


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