On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 10:21 +0000, Henry Kwan wrote:
> Am finally getting around to making SPF records for our domains so naturally
> I was fiddling with SA to see SPF-checking was enabled.  Running 3.17 with  
> Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1 installed.  During "make test", it seemed to pass all
> 36 tests in "t/spf.......................ok".
> But when I do a debug test via "spamassassin -D < sample-nonspam.txt", it   
> doesn't seem to return "debug: registering glue method for 
> check_for_spf_helo_pass
> (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8d21990))".
> I then sent a test email from another machine, forging an email with a 
> domain known to have a good SPF record and I didn't see any references to   
> SPF in the tests section.
> So what might be the issue here?  TIA for any insights.

spamassassin -D < file 2>&1 | grep -i spf 

check the output

which MTA do you use ? Your MTA must insert an X-Envelope-From: header
( or similar )


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