Rose, Bobby wrote:
So what you're saying is that the rule that people running listservers should maintain valid recipients who want to receive messages from the list shouldn't be followed just because it's a list about an antispam product? The last time I checked, the most common reason for spamcop lists is due to messages being sent to their spam traps. What's the point of even having rules in SA for spamcop and other DNSBLs if you don't have a certain level of trust in them. SA is more resource intensive that an MTA block which is why so many still use it. I know that over 20k a day trip the SORBs DUL rule here and around 10k trip spamhaus. You can pretty much bet it's all spam so I can understand why people would rather use those lists at their MTAs based on their observations of the mail flow for their domains.

You can block millions or billions or however many spams you want with this method, but the second you block one legit piece of mail and your boss doesnt get it, its your ass. People can do whatever they like with their servers, but blocking mail at the MTA using blacklists is A BAD IDEA, PERIOD. I realize it may be necessary for some setups that actually receive thousands or millions of messages a day, but that doesnt make it any better of an idea.

Also, show me a boss that gives a crap that the reason the message to him/her was blocked was because the senders mail server is listed in some BL somewhere and i'll be really impressed. Most dont want to know and mainly dont care WHY it happened..they just know that the server you set up blocked a legit message and if your lucky they wont be too pissed off. Good luck. I'd rather not introduce that headache into my work life.

There have been messages posted to this list that can have very positive SA scores simply due to the content. So based of that, I guess everyone should whitelist <> and spammers reading the list can just turn around and use that as their return address because then the argument could be made that anyone who doesn't deserves not to get mail from the SA lists.

There are reasons that other whitelist methods exist that arent as easily forged but im sure you already know that. This argument is pretty lame at best.

I believe the correct process here is that the moderators of the SA listserver investigate why the listserver got listed on Spamcop. If it is a case where there are addresses to spamtraps in the list, then maybe the list needs to send out opt-in verification messages to weed them out.

Again, who knows..who cares? Legit systems get listed in BL's all the time. It really doesnt seem to matter how hard one tries to prevent this from happening as many lists have many different listing criteria. Would you like to volunteer your time to get legit servers delisted from all BLs? Thats mighty nice of you...

As someone else said before, stop blocking mail outright based on these lists and use them for scoring instead and be done with it.


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