Am 09.11.2006 um 15:40 schrieb Jim Maul:

I think pretty much everyone understand WHY people use these BLs. This is not the point. The point is, its not a very good solution.

If you have 100gb of data you need to back up every day and you only have 50gb worth of tapes to back that data up onto, would you only back up half of it and trust that your hardware wont fail? This is essentially what you are doing.

The CORRECT solution to the problem is to buy more tapes. Just like a better solution to your problem is to buy more machines to process the mail, not trust someone else to tell you who should and shouldnt be able to send mail to your server. FPs WILL happen. If you havent seen any yet, great, but be damn sure you will at some point.

I understand that this can get incredibly expensive and this is most likely why people use BLs at all, but that does *not* mean that rejecting mail based on these lists is by any means the solution to the problem.

Recently was a victim of being on a blacklist for two different German ISPs ( and! This was particularly ironic because I connect to one mail server via SSL but it was rejecting my connection because my IP was blacklisted! So we had to implement a whitelist on top of the blacklist and then remove the line in the e- mail with my actual IP address so that the mail doesn't subsequently get blacklisted! And I'm sure any spammer worth their salt knows how to do exactly the same.

Spam coming from botnets, etc. needs to dealt with by the ISPs. In Germany the law is now that you are liable for abuse carried out on your network, ie. someone hacks your box or more likely WLAN then you are still liable.

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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