Am 09.11.2006 um 19:27 schrieb Daryl C. W. O'Shea:

If your one and only child is busy doing an expire it can't scan messages too.

ah, so I could increase the number of children running to do this?

The strange thing is these errors never occurred before last week and having just upgraded to 3.1.7 I would hope to have a system including all relevant bug fixes. Of course, as Theo said it might simply be easier to stop using spamd and just call spamassassin but it might also be helpful to track down the problem. Should I jump on the back of the old bug or make a new submission?

Have you actually looked into making sure that you're not experiencing an expiry issue (like the expiry being times out and never completed) like Theo inferred you do off the bat?
No, and I'll admit to not really understanding exactly what you mean. Where can I check and if necessary change this?

Disable bayes_auto_expire in your and run an expire manually (and then set it up as a cron job) by running sa-learn -- force-expire as the user that SA normally runs as (if SA runs as more than one user, run it for all the users it runs as). It's probably going to take a considerable amount of time for it to run... let it finish, it will eventually.

bayes_auto-expire isn't actually in my so I've added it as
bayes_auto-expire       0

It also strikes me that I can probably enable trusting the localhost on this machine - does this mean that spamassassin will not bother checking e-mail sent via the local SMTP?

Thank you very much for your help!

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
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