Thanks Karl and Nick,
Yes, the new account user_prefs is being created (I'm creating it from Plesk BTW) however the new user_prefs seems to be created with default values from I don't know where and not those values in either of the two .template files.
That's my problem in a nut shell. Maybe this isn't a SpamAssassin process and that all new user_prefs files are created with these default values and then it's the admins or users job to edit the user_prefs or cp the .template file into /.spamassassin/
Thats what I am trying to figure out. It appears to be more manual than automagic. I now think spamassassin creates new user_prefs and does not use the .template files to do so. Then the admin copies the .template file to the user_prefs or either just edits the new user_prefs. Is this a correct assumption?
I'm unique in that I am the sole "creator" for this server and basically for the most part all users are "me". I have a couple of other users, but they do not have access beyond Plesk and FTP. If it's not GUI, they don't have a clue.

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