> The other night my default gentoo RulesDuJour for Spamassassin 
> acquired new
> Adult and General rule-sets from SARE.  Thereafter spamd refused all
> connections and subsequently received mail was not spam filtered. 
> Issuing '/etc/init.d/spamd restart' as root resolved the situation...
> but I don't want to have to do this every time a rule-set is
> automatically updated overnight.
> This is a (sanitised) extract from /var/log/messages :
> ...omissis...
> Does anyone else have this problem?  Can it be attributed to fcron or
> RulesDuJour or something peculiar to my setup?
> I don't understand the "process already running" messages from fcron -
> but my cron jobs all seem to be executed normally.

Yep! That's a well-known issue to me, but with amavis.

When the rulesdujour script issues a '/etc/init.d/amavis restart', the gentoo's 
init script doesn't  wait enough for amavis termination and times out. I had to 
overcame the problem by configuring ruledujour to restart amavis through a 
simple, my-hand-made, script.

That's it:


# Get the amavis' processes pids
PIDS=$( /sbin/pidof "${AMV_NM}" )
if [[ ! -z "${PIDS}" ]]; then
        # Stop amavis
        "${AMV_RC}" stop

        # Check for amavis termination
        while [[ ! -z "${PIDS}" ]]; do
                sleep 1
                PIDS=$( /sbin/pidof "${AMV_NM}" )

        # (Re)start amavis
        "${AMV_RC}" restart

Please note that, since the "stop" action is prone to fail, you can't just use 
a "start" action later. Use a "restart" instead: it will detect amavis as not 
running anymore and will start it as required.

Of course, this script may be adapted to your needs: simply set AMV_NM e AMV_RC 
to the name and init script's path of spamd.



> The script which was run immediately prior to spamd stopping 
> accepting connections is the standard one supplied for Gentoo - a 
> copy of the version I'm using is here : 


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