Hi All,

After a fair bit of discussion on and off list,and a fair bit of
thought I've decided to change tack a little with stock spam.

As of this morning (GMT) I'm reporting all stock spam to the SEC (they
have a semi-dedicated address for it). I figure they'll either tell me
to quit, block me or do something about the problem.

I did some digging into TORA and to my (admittedly suspicious) mind
there are enough discrepancies in their published memoranda to justify

That one of their principals is a broker didn't alleviate any of my
suspicions and the way their accounts read is reminiscent of those old
slow-mo's of the Hindenberg one sees.

The company is worth zip, it's acquisitions are at best questionable,
so, to my mind, it's been/being set up as a means to pull investor
money. I guess they are going for penny stocks since no other investor
in their right mind would touch them.

If anyone else is interested in taking a similar tack, I'm happy to
share my current methods and plans (off list for now since this has
little to do with SA directly).

Best to all


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