On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 11:33:52AM -0500, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> Sorry, I was afraid this might not be clear. I want to find a way to 
> reject/tag all messages that come From the syslang.net domain (I am that 
> domain) which are From a user which does not exist. I'm not talking about 
> messages coming in that have a From address that is not syslang.net.

So you could do this in SA, but it'd be better to do it in the MTA.  You say
you use Sendmail, which can do just about anything you want if you can write
the config to do it. :)

Something like if the MAIL FROM header has a RHS of a local domain, shove
through another ruleset that validates the user part of the LHS against your
user accounts, a DBM, aliases, etc.  Return an error if it's not found.

In SA, you'd have to write a plugin to grab the EnvelopeFrom (you could fall
back to the From header if you really had to), and then validate in the same

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