I'm back after a couple years break. SpamAssassin 3.0.1 has been doing
heroic work for us, even though I'm stuck on the windoze platform. I
recently upgraded the mailserver (unfortunately, still windoze) and thought
I should put on SpamAssassin 3.1.7.

The upgrade worked a charm, except the windoze hacks for spamd.raw described
in the WiKi (http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SpamdOnWindows) are for
3.0.x and don't work on 3.1.x. (I did find one note that implied it would
have worked on 3.1.3 or less, but not on 3.1.4 or greater).

In any case, I know this isn't the forum to look for implementation
suggestions or to push for the development of a Windoze capable spamd, but I
do have a question I believe this forum could address.

The 3.0.1 spamd does successfully call the 3.1.7 SpamAssassin code and
appears to function correctly after commenting out one line ([if
($copy_config_p && !$spamtest->_is_storable_available());].

What is my exposure from using the old spamd code? It appears to be working
and reporting the SpamAssassin and Perl levels correctly.

   --- OR ---

What is the proper forum for such discussions?

Dan Barker
(The SpamAssassin Caller for IMail guy)

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