Dan Barker wrote:

> I'm back after a couple years break. SpamAssassin 3.0.1 has been doing
> heroic work for us, even though I'm stuck on the windoze platform. I
> recently upgraded the mailserver (unfortunately, still windoze) and thought
> I should put on SpamAssassin 3.1.7.
> The upgrade worked a charm, except the windoze hacks for spamd.raw described
> in the WiKi (http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SpamdOnWindows) are for
> 3.0.x and don't work on 3.1.x. (I did find one note that implied it would
> have worked on 3.1.3 or less, but not on 3.1.4 or greater).
> In any case, I know this isn't the forum to look for implementation
> suggestions or to push for the development of a Windoze capable spamd,

Have you tried running it under Cygwin?

I'm not using it, but after installing SA 3.1.7 using cpan everything seems to
work.  Starting spamd as a service (using Cygwin's cygrunsrv) would be easy.

René Berber

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