On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 11:59:26AM -0500, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
> I'm looking for an easy way to override ALL scanning (NOT scoring) for a 
> specific user.

Don't send mails for that user to SA.

> what I want instead is some special way that SA will say "nope, not even 
> testing" and "short circuit".

At the moment, you can't do that.

> This shouldn't be a difficult feature to implement at all -- I'd imagine 
> about three lines of code :)

There's code in 3.2 to do it, but it's still the most efficient to just not
call SA for mails you don't want scanned (SA will still need to do all the
processing to start looking at the mail, until it realizes that the mail is
whitelisted or whatever, and then stop processing).

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