On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 11:20:46PM +0100, Yves Goergen wrote:
> Maybe a Wiki-style of a documentation isn't well suited for beginners
> that don't know the correct search terms.

FWIW, the man page points you at that wiki page for more information.

> Looks like a loose collection of some special short notes to me but not
> at all like a structured handbook where you can find your topic like in
> those printed on paper a couple of years ago. :(

We'd be happy to accept volunteers to help with documentation. :)

> So now my SA setup is supposed to be broken or what? Well, it still
> works so I guess when the next SA version comes out, it'll fix this again.

It should still work, though some things like TextCat won't due to missing
files.  It's also going to be slightly less efficient, but that's not a huge

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