On Sat, 3 Feb 2007 23:33:29 -0500, "Jack Gostl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>>I've been watching this for awhile, and there is now a pattern to what I'm 
>>>I'm running a configuration with multiple users sharing a bayes files. 
>>>This is an interim move to facilitate the spamassassin upgrades, and like 
>>>many interim moves its been going on for a long time.
>>>When I first build the bayes files from my personal folders and my spam 
>>>archives, things were great. 99.8% of the spam caught or better. Then, 
>>>usually after a week or so, the number starts to drop. Right now, its down 
>>>to 97%, in another day or two it will be down below 95%. With the amount 
>>>of spam we receive, that is a lot of missed junk mail.
>>>So I blow away my bayes* files, rebuild, and I'm back up to darn near 100% 
>>>caught. For about a week. Then the deterioration begins again.
>>>Has anyone else encountered this? Is this an artifact of too many users 
>>>sharing a spam file?
>>>Also.... I retrain each night, feeding any missed spams plus any new hams 
>>>received back through sa-learn. I can't see how that makes it worse, but 
>>>who knows.
>> Do you have autolearn enabled?
>Uh... yes? You are suggesting that I turn it off? I had always assumed that 
>if the Bayes learned something as ham that it shouldn't, sa-learn was smart 
>enough to undo it.

It might be worth a try, or at least vary your values higher and lower
for spam/ham. I've had issues with autolearn before and no longer use
it. My mail flow is low enough that manual learning suffices.



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