John Minnihan wrote:
> SA Team,
> I have a fully functional SA installation that is serving me very
> well.   I use Mailscanner and a few custom rules, and am generally
> very pleased with the results.
> There’s one more rule that I’d like to run, but haven’t figured out
> how to implement it. I want to use a header rule that will trigger on
> any mail sent to my domains that is to an address that is *not* in my
> test block, for example:
>     header TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS            To !~ /my|real|addresses|here/i
>     describe TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS         To: contains bogus address
>     score   TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS             5.0
> I know about blacklists and whitelists and have a solution in place
> that works ok, but I really want a header rule like the one above.
> Yes, I’ve searched. Yes, I have found many rules that implement a To:
> match test but have not found an rule that implements a non-match
> test. I suspect that my use of !~ is incorrect, but lint is happy with
> that rule as-is.

Your use of !~ should work properly here.

However, I might suggest using ToCc instead of To. This will at least
match mail that's Cc'ed to you...

Of course, neither will match any mail that's Bcc'ed to you, including
mailing list posts (ie: this list). So make sure you whitelist anyone
who will send you Bcc'ed mail.

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