Justin Mason wrote:
DAve writes:
Justin Mason wrote:
Theo Van Dinter writes:
I'm assuming that there will be a Google Summer of Code 2007 going on, and
that the ASF will be involved again.  So it's a good time to start thinking
about things we'd like to put up as possible projects.

We still have a number of items from last year that we could use again.
Anything else that we'd like people to code up?
Also, any suggestions from outside the dev team?  Anyone got good ideas
for new SpamAssassin features that would be good to pay someone to work on
for 3 months?

Maybe, several of us use MailScanner. MailScanner does not use spamc, it loads SA directly. One of the features of MailScanner is called MCP or Message Content Protection. MCP uses, or attempts to use, SA to do specific targeted message content checking. Many people, we included, would like to be able to use this but it seems there is always some gotcha to having SA loaded in MailScanner twice. Problems with the directory paths, rules in memory, etc.

The ability to run SA with two totally different configurations in the same application would very handy. Different rules for outbound mail vs inbound mail, MCP(as in this user wants zero mail with the word "breast" regardless of the rest of the message content) are just two examples.

Contacting Julian on the MailScanner list would give far better examples and details than I could.

cc'd Julian.

This could definitely be done -- I didn't realise there was demand for
it ;)
The basic idea is this:
On normal incoming mail, the usual SpamAssassin setup is used. But on outbound mail, for example, the company doesn't want any of the normal SpamAssassin rules. But instead, they want to look for particular "rude" keywords, company project names, and any other phrases the user wants, but *not* the standard SpamAssassin rules.

I don't use spamc/spamd or the spamassassin script, I call the function library directly.

So I need to be able to call SpamAssassin with 2 completely different sets of configuration settings.

What would also be nice is a way of different messages using different SpamAssassin configuration settings, this would add a lot of flexibility to what I can do with MailScanner's use of SpamAssassin.

I effectively need to be able to create 2 or more SpamAssassin configurations and have them work entirely independently.

I hope that explains it well enough.
This should probably be opened as a bug on the bugzilla, btw.
How much detail do you want?
is it already there?
I've never put it there.


Julian Field MEng CITP
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