
I read all about sa-learn in SA's wiki, but still have some doubts:

1) The spam and ham are regular mail accounts, right ?

2) After a user receives a false negative or a false positive, what should they do ? Reply to the correspondent mail account ? Forward ?
I don't think so, but i'm not sure.
Then what should they do ?

3) Let's say i run sa-learn once a day. After running it, should i delete the spams and hams or should let them they stay ?

4) The wiki states: "The bayesian classifier can only score new messages if it already has 200 known spams and 200 known hams." Does this means that only after the spam and ham accounts have at least 201 messages, the system will start to act ?

Thank you for your patience.

Warm Regards,
Mário Gamito

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