On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Rocco Scappatura wrote:


I receiveid a spam message this morning in my mailbox. So I submit it to
spamassassin to calculate the score that spamassassin give it.

Here the result:
Content analysis details:   (6.2 points, 5.0 required)
So it is clear at all why i have retreived the message in my mailbox..

Chances are that your Bayesian database changed between the time you
recieved this message and the time you rescanned it from the command
line.  Rescanning something is _not_ a reliable way to figure out what
score SA gave it on receipt.  You should use the _TESTSSCORES(,)_
macro in your add_header line to figure that out.

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Never send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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