Since some day, It's increased the number of spams which SA doesn't

Every time I'm going to analyse the message:

1) Save the message in mbox format 'message.mbox'
2) su - amavis -c "spamassassin -t < message.mbox"

And I get that the score is greater the 5.0 and often I get:

 1.6 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in
              [Blocked - see

That is, if the message is sent just now, the message is rejected (?).

So I feel that every time that I receive a spam, the system spend a
period of time to 'learn' that that message is spam.

If this is the truth, I would like to figure out how I can block these
messages in advance..

Could someone give me an hint?



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