Matthias Schmidt [c] wrote:
> Jonas Eckerman:
> >Chris St. Pierre wrote:
> >> From: Jonas Eckerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >> Fix your Reply-To header and you won't get any more list messages in
> >> your private email.

No.  The Reply-To: field is reserved for replies to the sender of the
message.  It overrides the From: address is different from the desired
reply address.

> >The Reply-To header is correct. When someone decides to reply to 
> >me privately I want the reply to get to my normal address.

Completely correct.

> why so stubborn?

Please do not resort to ad-hominem attacks.  Jonas is not being
stubborn on this topic.

> Listen what people tell you. That's the way lists do work.

No it is not the way lists work.  You are misinformed.  Jonas is using
standard usage with the Reply-To setting.

> So if you set your reply to header as you did, you will all the time get ccs.

The setting of the Reply-To: address is irrelevant to this discussion.
The question is really about people replying to the list or group
replying to all recipients.  If we are already subscribed to the list
then we should not need a CC unless one is specifically requested.
Some people are more tolerant of this abuse, some people less so.

> People won't change their ways because of you,

That is most unfortunately probably true.  People tend to do the
silliest things.  Such as me replying to this off-topic posting
because I can't resist but try to set things straight.

I often wish there was a person at the gate, similar to at an
amusement park ride, with a height measuring stick to ensure that
people must be at least so tall before riding the Internet.  I really
wish there were training classes required to teach people how to use
mailing lists and in general how things work.  But unfortunately there
is not.

> so you need to change your setting.

No.  The setting of Reply-To is not germane to this problem.


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