On Wednesday 25 April 2007 4:34 pm, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > [2474] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted: [ ip=
> > rdns=localhost.localdomain helo=localhost by=mailrelay.embarq.synacor.com
> > ident= envfrom= intl=1 id=8B8062336D7 auth= ] [ ip= rdns=
> > helo=mailrelay.embarq.synacor.com by=localhost ident= envfrom= intl=1
> > id=jfvuG0A1xsHa auth= ]
> >
> > [2474] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted: [ ip=
> > rdns=tx-71-48-168-13.dhcp.embarqhsd.net helo=!!
> > by=mailrelay.embarq.synacor.com ident= envfrom= intl=0 id=228272334BD
> > auth= ]
> >
> > I read what it says, but I guess I don't understand. I see that
> > is trusted and from what the wiki says, thats a given. I read this as my
> > ip being untrusted, is that correct? If thats the case would the only
> > trusted relays be What about the trusted_networks entry? I'm
> > unsure on that also. This is my current trusted_networks line:
> >
> > trusted_networks 127/8 192.168/16 207.217.121/24 209.86.93/24
> > 208.47.184/24
> Assuming that is "your IP", yeah, it's not trusted, nor
> should it be given that it's not in your trusted_networks config.  That
> leaves being trusted. is ignored since header
> parsing restarts after it finds a fetchmail marker.
> I'm not sure "what about the trusted_networks entry" you want to know.
> Actually I'm not sure what at all you want to know.

What I'm trying to figure out Daryl is what would be added to my 
trusted_networks config line to reflect embarq and or synacor. Previously 
this is all I had on that line, 127/8 192.168/16 207.217.121/24 209.86.93/24. 
Since I'm now 'in between' hosts, meaning that El is forwarding mail until 31 
Oct and I've changed some lists over to the new address. What, if anything, 
should be added to this line to reflect that change?

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