Matt Kettler wrote:
ram wrote:
Are the spammers testing some new spamtool I am getting mails with just a single word like "gushes" "using" etc what is this about now ?
Read the archives for more details, however the general consensus is
it's due to:

1) a mass run of short-emails to a broader-range of randomly generated
addresses in an attempt to
disover new ones. (aka Rumpelstiltskin attack)

- OR -

2) some spammer screwed up their template when they last pushed one out
to their botnet, and as a result the bots are generating emails with no
useful payload.

Both are quite plausible.

Is there a good test for these? The first days run seemed to be related to the german stock market, but todays run so far I can not seem to find a common thread as the subject is getting the same one word as the body

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