If your assumption here were true, joe-job attacks would be practically unheard-of. And for it to be a successful joe-job attack, the sending account doesn't have to exist, only the sending mail domain has to exist.

Dennis Kavadas wrote:
most, if not all spam have spoofed addresses headers that do not resolve to
a valid account on any host, that said, how is it a problem ?

On 5/31/07, Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Rudd wrote:
> Per Jessen wrote:
>> Dennis Kavadas wrote:
>>> guys, even though we use SA for tagging... the real short to long term
>>> solution is TMDA
>> I remember one of my friends saying just that - about 5 years ago.  It
>> might be fine for personal email, but it's not very useful in a
>> business context.  Too much end-user education required.
> That, and TDMA is a blight upon the internet.  It is at best
> misguided, and at worst irresponsible, to use challenge-response email
> systems.
Agreed. Challenge response systems attempt to solve the problem of spam
by forwarding it to someone else and hoping they'll use good judgment
for you and only approve mail they actually sent. You're turning your
spam problems into theirs.

The problem boils down to forged spam emails. If you're using TMDA and a
forged spam comes in, your TMDA system in-turn spams that victim of
forgery. After spaming them, you're hoping that they'll be nice and
delete the message for you, because you're too lazy to do it yourself.

My question is, why should I not activate the spam, after your TMDA
system has chosen to intrude on MY mailbox in an attempt to solve YOUR
spam problems?

Do I have any prior agreement with you to perform this task properly?
Are you paying me for my time? Oh, that's right, you're not paying me,
nor have you previously asked me if it's ok to do this to my mailbox, so
I'm free to do as I please..

Well then, who am I to stop you from getting advertisements you might
actually want?


Seriously, I take this approach to every TMDA challenge I get. I
encourage everyone to do the same. It is not your responsibility to
filter people's spam for them, so take the time and return the problem
back to its original owner.

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