I'm running amavisd-new with spamassassin and setup bayes and mysql earlier
today. It seems to connect to the db fine with user vscan when running
spamassassin -d. I ran sa-learn --spam/ham < spam.txt (full email headers
too) a few times and those are the only entires in the db, the ones that I
added, all other email is untouched. What's the deal? Here is my local.cf
file... awl seems to work fine, but it scores mail funky sometimes.

# Enable the Bayes system
use_bayes 1
bayes_store_module                Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL
bayes_sql_dsn                     DBI:mysql:bayes
bayes_sql_username                vscan
bayes_sql_password                vscan
bayes_sql_override_username       vscan

# Enable awl
auto_whitelist_factory            Mail::SpamAssassin::SQLBasedAddrList
user_awl_dsn                      DBI:mysql:bayes
user_awl_sql_username             vscan
user_awl_sql_password             vscan


You probably ran the commands as root, so you are only looking at root's data. Add this in local.cf:

bayes_sql_override_username vscan

That way everyone will see the same data (site wide configuration). You want to always run spamassassin and sa-learn commands as the vscan user but adding this seting means that even if you learn spam or ham as root, vscan's data will be updated.

su vscan -c 'sa-learn --spam < spam.txt'

Gary V

PC Magazine’s 2007 editors’ choice for best Web mail—award-winning Windows Live Hotmail. http://imagine-windowslive.com/hotmail/?locale=en-us&ocid=TXT_TAGHM_migration_HM_mini_pcmag_0507

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