Shane Williams wrote:
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Marc Perkel wrote:

Using my new ideas here's my raw blacklist file. It has about 80k IP addresses and is updated every 10 minutes.

Here's instructions on how to use it with SpamAssassin and Exim.

I'd like to get some feedback on how well it's working.

This filter blocked my last response to you, as I suspect it will
for this one.  As such, I looked at your wiki to determine why I was
listed, but couldn't find a clear reason.  The documentation says that
only known spam sources are blocked, but if I had to guess, I'd say
it's because I'm on a dynamic cable IP address (which I didn't see
any text about when I looked on Friday).

Mind you, I've gotten used to the idea that places are going to block
me because I'm on a Cablemodem, so that doesn't really bother me much.
It's just that your documentation didn't mention this as a possible
reason for listing, and gave me no real idea as to why I was listed.

I would suggest that if you really want to know how well it's working
you should, for some time, accept mail that it would drop, filter it
to a special place, and then visually inspect for ham/spam ratio.  I
don't see any better method for gathering hard data on it's success

Shane, post the error you got to this list in case I don't get it direct. I haven't documented my new trick in the wiki yet because I'm still testing it to see if it works, If it doesn't work then I'll have to give up on it. The wiki give instructions on how to use the black list.

As to what I'm doing I talked about it in a different thread. The idea is that I have 3 working servers on low numbered MX records. I have a number of high numbered MX IPs that should never be hit. However spammers don't follow the rules and try the high numbered MX looking to get in the back door. So in theory only spammers will hit the high numbered MX.

The idea is that after about 10 hits on the high numbered MX I add them to the blacklist. It seems to be working but I'm still testing this idea. I'm convinced that this method or something similar might be an affective way to catch spammers and I'm testing it out. But - it has to actually work in the real world and when it does, maybe someone who is a better programmer than me will really do it right.

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