Chris Santerre wrote:

You didn't miss anything. I don't believe they are released yet. FInal testing being done. Results look great. I'll see if they can get released soon.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Jeczalik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: So what about and these anti-PDF rules?
> It's been announced that these rules are coming soon and...?
> Or maybe I
> missed something?

The and accompanying ruleset will not be public. If you want it, please go to and request it.

I'll try and get PDF support added into soon, but it will only extend the capabilities that you currently have for gif/jpg/png... that being attachment count, file name matching, pdf image dimensions, pixal coverage (area), etc. However, thats not an ideal solution, and the rules you can write with that will stop the spam, but also have a greater chance of falsing.

The mechanism used for accurate detection in the PDFInfo plugin is not going to be a part of this.. and I'd recommend you request the plugin and use it privately. If the information gets publicized, that method would soon be useless... and I dont feel like reworking it if I dont have to, nor maintaining a ruleset that is highly dependent on the plugin. Updates to the ruleset could very well mean updating the plugin, and you cant get people to update a plugin en masse as easy as you can get them to RDJ a new ruleset. :)

Dallas Engelken

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