> I for one agree with the protected model.
> I've read post after post in this group and others where people complain
> that some new method is no longer effective due to the "other guys"
> knowing our every step.
> If there were an application process, which would be too burdensome on
> the maintainers, I'd support that as well - and offer my help.
> No I'm not a spammer and I've never played one on TV either...
> That's just my two cents worth of opinion, I could be wrong.
> Thank you to the people who write these plugins. You people rock!


Why agree with a protected model?

For the wages of sin is death.


I am grateful for the SA team & SA tools and also very importantly, the many
diverse "white hats" that are slowly but surely making things better too.
Especially those with badges and guns that put their lives on the line.

Spammers and various other types of criminals are being watched, getting
caught, and seeing their dumb asses tossed in prison.

Not money itself, yet.... "For the **love* of money* is the root of all

Although we should not encourage stupidity or foolish activities classified
against the law, those that indulge in it are going to reap the rewards of
what they sow.

 - rh 

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