Robert Schetterer schrieb:
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Justin Mason schrieb:
Henrik Krohns writes:
On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 10:08:29AM +0100, Justin Mason wrote:
Bear in mind that the spammer who is developing this PDF spam is only one
person, and he/she probably has at least one non-spammy-looking email
address at his disposal.

What's to spot him/her from asking Dallas for a copy of the ruleset and
plugin, same as any other SpamAssassin user, waiting a few days to cover
his/her tracks, then fixing the spam to avoid it again?

And if you think this isn't already happening, I have a bridge for sale ;)
If I was a spammer, I couldn't care less if few people were using some
secret PDF blocking stuff. It's not like AOL or some big companies are using
it. :)
oh yeah -- good point.  On one occasion in the past when spammers have
evaded open-source-developed rules, I was able to find out later why they
made those changes, and it had nothing to do with our little open source
projects... instead it was to evade AOL's independently-developed,
closed-source, secret-sauce filtering which used a similar method.
The big guys are the spammers' targets.


Hi, i have the pdf rules up and running
they are working nice.
But i didnt recieved any pdf spam since days.
On our big back mx mail hub , clam ( with some additional databases)
gets delete ca.
10 of them a day.

I think we will see other spam in the future
in other file sorts, and it will always be a competition
between spammers and antispam tecs.

scnr: So what comes next?: After image-spam, pdf-spam it must be microsoft-office-documents-spam?.

Just to be a step ahead this time i consider blocking these (ms-office-attachments) in advance ;-).

I think we will never avoid spam in total as long smtp
stays for mail, but we can make more difficult for spammers
to reach there goals , so i recommend take it easy, no need for
flames between the good boys is working nice if youre in pressure
with pdf spam

Using this a few weeks too, had no FPs so far ...

- --
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Best Regards

Robert Schetterer


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