I've recently discovered a couple of emails tagged by SA (v3.2.1-gr1)
with USER_IN_WHITELIST and assigned score components of -100 accordingly
according to 50_scores.cf on the basis of a call to
eval:check_from_in_whitelist() in 60_whitelist.cf.

I would assume that this would only be possible if I had configured
'whitelist_from xxxxxxx' in my user prefs (which are stored in a MySQL
database), but I have no such settings, so I don't have a manual
whitelist as described at

On the other hand, both errant addresses _were_ in my AWL database which
should assign a much smaller (possibly positive) spam score, and
shouldn't evoke a hit on USER_IN_WHITELIST.

Am I missing something here, or is this a SA bug?

Lindsay Haisley       | "In an open world,    |     PGP public key
FMP Computer Services |    who needs Windows  |      available at
512-259-1190          |      or Gates"        | http://pubkeys.fmp.com
http://www.fmp.com    |                       |

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