But I send them to people who are building public blocklists. I've expanded my delivery system so I can keep up with the load. If anyone out there is running a public black lists and wants a free feed contact me privately and I'll set it up.

I have 2 main feeds. One is mostly messages determined to be spam by SA and is suitable for URL mining and checking rules and other content stuff but not for IP blacking as most of this feed is mixed source spam. (Yahoo, Hotmail etc)

The big feed is my spambot class spam and it is suitable for blocklists and I have added headers to make it easy to get the original sending IP.

These feeds are free to anyone who provides free lists and are available for a small fee if you don't provide public lists. Accuracy is extremely good. I'm already feeding several of the major lists that a lot of you use.

Contact me privately if interested.

Marc Perkel
Junk Email Filter

If spammers were smart they would blacklist me.

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