On Sun, 12 Aug 2007, Paul Lenz wrote:

> After "chmod 777" the logfile, 

Bad practice. Baaaaad practice. Please don't develop the habit of 
reflexively "chmod 777"ing things. I dealt with that from my firm's 
support department for five years and I still have the twitch.

(1) It completely turns off security.

(2) It marks as executable a file that is not executable.

If you need a specific user to read that file, then change the
ownership of that file to that user and "chmod u+r" it. If you need it
to be readable but not writable by a subset of your users, then change
the group and "chmod g=r" it; or "chmod +r" it if you don't care who 
reads it.

But you will eventually regret developing the habit of hitting files
with "chmod 777" when they don't cooperate.

This hot-button moment brought to you by the letter "Q".

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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