At 09:23 AM 8/13/2007, Nigel Frankcom wrote:
I just blacklisted him at the MTA, as I do with all auto-responders
that hit me more than once. As I believe Lauren once said "it makes me
want to crawl back up the line and hit them in the face with a spade"
though I'm not certain the comment was aimed at auto responders the
sentiment is reflected :-D

I prefer (yeah, maybe it's stupidity) to let someone know I drop them by bouncing (not dropping).

So the problem becomes say when they post to the list and I bounce the message, the list sees the bounce as a bounce, and then like Yahoo Groups thinks my e-mail is bouncing...

Any suggestions? I could use I guess Drop...

This is Postfix, and I generally add a header check, and Reject, ie


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