Justin Mason wrote:
I've checked that in as 'TVD_PDF_FINGER01_JO'.  You can track its progress
at http://ruleqa.SpamAssassin.org .

Thank you.

by the way -- it's pretty easy for you to test your own rules in your own
environment, actually, and I recommend you try it out.

I do so for any rule I post about on the list.  But see the next below:

These are the tools we use:


They are bundled with SpamAssassin in the "masses" folder.  All the
documentation is there on the wiki.

I know that. But before a rule gets committed it goes through a testing against a much larger amount of spam/ham than I have available to me.

And I honestly don't have the time available to me to spend hours each day building spam/ham corpi. It simply isn't going to happen. So the tools aren't very useful as generalized testing tools in my environment.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance ... net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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