Nix wrote:

> On 17 Aug 2007, Jerry Durand told this:
>> Why do they need a "personal mail server"?
> Well, I use my own MTA because I've had repeated problems with ISP MTAs
> losing my mail, corrupting it, going down at inconvenient moments (like
> Friday evening to come back up only on Monday). It's a single point of
> failure controlled and fixable by someone other than myself, and that's
> just nasty.
> At least if I run the MTA I can only blame any failures on myself.

You are not alone, I do the same for the very same reasons; yes my ISP s-u-c-k-s
and I have been setting up mail servers for a long time, so I use my own.

And since Botnet doesn't block, it just scores, I do agree than only dumb people
would use its score as a 100% certainty that it is spam.  Blacklists, way worse,
who is so innocent that thinks they only list the bad guys?
René Berber

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