> Hi,
>       I've been looking at doing the Sitewide Bayes and
> Sitewide Bayes Feedback. My mail server averages a KNOWN spam
> every 2 seconds, so I'd like to feed it to a site wide database.
> THEN, would like to score mail completely by the users private
> one, but then RESCORE it against the site one. Track for a few
> weeks and if it proves fine, then switch over. If it doesn't
> make a major difference, then it was a nice try.
>       Is there a way I could do it, have 2 sets of headers?
> I know when I have my mail scanned on my server, and then again
> on my laptop all the previous headers are gone, but could I
> have some add_header lines in a 2ndpass.local.cf that I point
> a config file to? Would I have to run 2 instances of spamd?
>               Thanks, Tuc

        What I did was :

        1) Clone off my /etc/mail/spamassassin director to a 2nd directory
        2) Modified it to start on port 7783, and with the global bayes defined
        3) Changed my .procmailrc on the test account to :

# 1st pass, keep previous headers
* < 256000
| (/usr/local/bin/formail -i "X-Spam-Checker-Version:" -i "X-Spam-Flag:" -i "X-S
pam-Level:" -i "X-Spam-Status:" ) | /usr/local/bin/spamc 
# 2nd pass, keep previous headers twice
* < 256000
| (/usr/local/bin/formail -i "Old-X-Spam-Checker-Version:" -i "Old-X-Spam-Flag:"
 -i "Old-X-Spam-Level:" -i "Old-X-Spam-Status:" ) |  (/usr/local/bin/formail -i 
"X-Spam-Checker-Version:" -i "X-Spam-Flag:" -i "X-Spam-Level:" -i "X-Spam-Status
:" ) | /usr/local/bin/spamc -p 7783

        It seems to accomplish what I want. Headers that come in get pushed
to "Old-Old-", the headers from the local bayes are pushed to "Old-" and the
headers from the site wide bayes are the final ones left.


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