yossim wrote:
> Hi forum, I am running MailScanner integrated with SA sendmail based.
> I would like to add a new header to SA report, so the next stage of
> spam filtering which is the trend micro will always forward the email
> the outlook junk mail. The header is as follows: X-TM-AS-Product-Ver:
> SMEX- I searched in MailScanner and
> tried also in local.cf but with no results. Kindly regards, Yossi
MailScanner doesn't offer any decent flexibility in header formats, and
under MailScanner, spamassassin doesn't have *ANY* ability to do
ANYTHING to the message directly.

MailScanner consults SA to generate a score and a list of hits only. It
then makes it's own markups. So any SA settings regarding headers would
be ignored.

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