Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your (quick) reply.
I cannot utilize the trusted_networks settings because I cannot trust the mail that my backup MX sends to me.

The backup MX does NO filtering at all, it just accepts ALL mail that has a certain destination domain and then forwards it to the Primary MX where SA is running, SA is doing all the filtering and white/black/grey-listing.

When SA is down (the Pri MX), it will just hold it until it gets back up. So basically all mail that comes from my second MX should be checked for spam and virus, it has not capabilities of it's own. It's working like a charm were it not for my black/white/grey-lists and the RBL's now all do lookups on the last known IP which is my secondary MX.

I don't think I am the first to utilize this method of redundancy so I figured there must be a way, I just dont know how :)
So please advice further, your (and everyones) help is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Matthias Leisi wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Rense Buijen schrieb:

The problem now lies with the RBL's, when the SA box dies, the mail will
be queued on my Exim box and when service is restored, it will forward
it again BUT the last "Received from:" path will be of course the Exim
host IP. SA will then do a lookup on the wrong IP. Basically I want my
Exim box (second mx) to be invisible or need the headers to be rewritten
so Spamassassin does a correct lookup on the IP BEFORE it got to the SA.

trusted_networks, internal_networks etc. will make sure that your "main"
SA correctly recognises your backup box as trustworthy.

I've heard about SRS, I don't know precisely if that will do the trick
for me, anyone has some more information, tips or tricks? It's rather
complex matter and I can't find any good documentation on how to solve
this problem.

SRS is a completely different beast (basically it fixes forwarding which
is partially broken by SPF). As long as you only have troubles with IP
addresses, SRS would not solve any issue for you.

- -- Matthias

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Met vriendelijke groeten,

Rense Buijen
Chess Service Management
Tel.: 023-5149250

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