Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Jonn R Taylor wrote on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:30:22 -0500:

What even more interesting is that they block 25 out going. So I am not sure why we all see so much spam from them.

The spam is comming from *.dhcp.*.*.charter.com. Obviously, there's no such blockage. I reject everything from there right-away.


Like most ISP, charter.net will block port 25 for those _not_ on their network. I had clients who were using my mail servers for their outgoing mail services until early last year when Comcast, ATT, and Charter (the ones I had to deal with) all seem to start blocking port 25 traffic. All my clients have to use SMTP_Auth in order to send mail through me but Charter.net will not allow off network traffic on port 25. So in a sense, yes they block port 25 but only for non-charter networks. Just as I only allow my dialup and DSL customers to send mail through my servers without authenticating.

Charter.net is also horrible about their mail servers deferring mail. I have customers who are forwarding their domain mail to their charter accounts and at least twice a week I see entries in my exim logs showing that Charter.net is deferring incoming mail for various reasons. Mostly it's 421 errors, always nice not to have your mail servers not responding or active. I've called their support and they are beyond horrible. They have no idea what they are doing.

It really ticks me off when I have to deal with this. I've been working for small ISP/Hosting companies since 1996 and have spent the last 3 years running my own company. I am self taught with no university or college degrees or any other official certification yet I know more then 95% of the people I talk to at my home cable company (I live in Windsor ON but my business is in MI, US) or any of these other ISPs/Cable/Hosting companies I deal with on a regular basis for my clients. I always love it when I start talking to a "Tech Support Rep" and they have no idea what I am saying because they have no clue. I usually get "I'm sorry sir, I don't know what you are talking about. I just know what my screen tells me"

Oh and I'm also am on my 6th request and 3rd month of waiting for Charter.net's upper level support team to contact me so we can figure out why they always seem to defer mail 2-3 times a week.

Tom Ray
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Detroit Online

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