Hi List

I've asked this question on the MIMEDefang list, but on reflection and some
digging in the bugzilla, I think its probably a question for this list.

I'm using user prefs in a MySQL database and calling them through MIMEDefang
using 'load_scoresonly_sql($user)'. Currently I'm only adding records for
required_score and whitelist_from for each user. Although the
required_scores work fine, the whitelist_from entries seem to carry trough
to the next user. 

I think this is the problem described here:

The bug report does state that " our only work around at present is to limit
the children to one connection (using --max-conn-per-child=1)"

So my question is: how can I set this when calling from mimedefang?

Thanks for any help.

Dan Massey

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