On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 09:22:41AM -0700, snowcrash+sa wrote:
> where are such removals documented?  my point being simply: it *was*
> in the src tree, suddenly it isn't.  even if well-justified, shouln't
> that action be *mentioned* in Changelog?

It'll be in the svn log info for the rulesrc (aka repo/spamassassin/rules)
directory.  You wouldn't see those changes in the Changes file, for instance,
since rulesrc is independent of the SA distribution.

> also, when did plugins move (back?) to rulesrc/sandbox/... as opposed
> to rules/...?

plugins have never been in the rules dir.  they're either in a sandbox or in
the lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugins dir.

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