
> Unless I've missed something, above is the only difference in the two
> reports.  So that says the only real difference if the lack of the 'words
> found' report in FuzzyOCR.

Yup. You're correct.

> I think I'd add a line that should end up in the report and say
> something like "debug report enabled".

In building up the two boxes I'd co'd the plugin setup from a single
local Hg repo.  And, diff'd the co'd files -- no diff.

Nonetheless, probly a good idea ... thx

> See if that line shows up in both cases.  If not, you probably have a
> problem with whatever is setting the switch.  If it does, look at how those
> word strings are output.  The only thing that looks interesting about them
> is they contain quote marks.  Maybe somethign strange has happened and the
> quote marks are breaking the debug output in one case.

Digging aound as I type ... sstay tuned.

> If all else fails, probably best to take this over to the FuzzyOCR mailing
> list for a while.

Sadly, a bit "lonely" over there these days ... but, will (eventually) do!


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